
Signs of Moles & How to Control Them

Read about the habits of these underground creatures and how they can damage your lawn.

Signs and Habits of Moles

A clue that you might have a mole problem is your lawn will have raised brown, grass-less streaks which are created when moles tunnel below. The other clue to look for is "mole hills" which are created when the mole pushes soil and debris to the surface from deeper tunnels and burrows.

To help prevent mole infestations you can limit their food supply by controlling grubs in your lawn. In spring, apply Scotts® GrubEx®1 or Roundup® For Lawn Bug Destroyer following the directions on the product label. Either product will help control grubs which not only damage your lawn but are one of the preferred food sources of moles.

Moles also like soft, damp earth because it's easy to dig through, so avoid over-watering your lawn.

Methods of Mole Control

There are two very effective ways to kill moles—baiting and trapping. The Tomcat® Mole Trap provides a method to kill quickly and hold the mole to provide proof for tracking. For more information on mole traps, read How to Use a Tomcat® Mole TrapTomcat® baits kill moles underground in their tunnels and burrows. For more information on Tomcat® Mole Killer baited Worms and Grubs, read How to Use Tomcat® Mole Killer Baited Worms & Grubs, or to learn about Tomcat® Mole & Gopher Bait, check out How to Use Tomcat® Mole & Gopher Bait.

Active Runways

You'll have the best luck controlling moles if you trap or bait in the spring or fall, and if you set your traps or insert bait products into a main (or active) runway. These are usually straight runs, or they can follow the perimeter of your yard. To make sure you're working with a main runway, poke a hole through a few spots. If the mole repairs the damage in a day or two, you've got a winner.

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