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Find out how to choose the right rodent products for your problem and use them effectively.
Mice and rats can bring hazardous pathogens into your home as well as cause damage to your house.
Find out what rats like to see on the menu—and how to keep them from treating your home as their own personal restaurant.

Whats in Season

Learn how to set a bait station to kill mice and rats.
To make the most of your catch-and-release efforts and get rid of a mouse without hurting or killing it, follow these steps.
Learn how to quickly get rid of rats and mice with these 6 tips from the experts at TOMCAT.
Rats bring toxic diseases into your home and can cause damage to the structural foundation of your house. Control rat problems in your home with Tomcat.
Rodents can bring toxic diseases into your home and cause damage to the structural foundation of your house. Control rodent problems in your home with Tomcat.
Tomcat has you covered with a variety of options to catch a rat or trap a mouse.
Rodents can multiply quickly and don't usually travel alone. Follow these tips to get mice out of your house at the first sign.