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Moles spend the majority of their lives tunneling underground in search of food, causing unsightly damage to your lawn and garden. Tomcat® puts a stop to their search. Tomcat® Mole Killerₐ is designed to mimic the mole's natural food source—the earthworm—in both shape and feel. Moles may consume a lethal dose in a single feeding, but it may take two or more days from the time of bait consumption for moles to die. This bait comes ready to use and is effective against most common mole species (not for use against the star-nosed mole in North Carolina). There are two main indicators of moles: subsurface runways in the turf or by a series of conical mounds. Once active runways are verified (please refer to step-by-step instructions on product label), make a hole in the top of the runway then drop one Tomcat® Mole Killerₐ worm into the opening, ensuring it is completely underground and the hole is carefully resealed. Five to seven days after application, check for mole activity using the same procedure that was used to verify active runways. One package of Tomcat® Mole Killerₐ contains 10 worm baits.
How to Use
1. Identify surface runways: brown, grassless streaks on a lawn, created when moles tunnel below.
2. Carefully poke a hole in the top of the surface runway with your index finger. Be sure not to collapse the pile or cover up the hole. Mark the hole with a small stick. Repeat with several runway locations.
3. Wait 48 - 72 hours and then check holes to see if they have been sealed. If they have, they are active and can be baited.
4. Bait only active runways. Poke a hole 3 to 5 feet on either side of the assessment hole and place one worm bait down each
hole. Push the worm as far down as you can. Make sure each worm is sitting on the floor of the runway.
5. Reseal the runway with dirt to keep out any light and pinch hole closed or cover it with a piece of sod or small rock.
6. Wait 5 to 7 days, then check for mole activity using the same process in Step 2. If the holes stay open for 48 - 72 hours, the mole has likely traveled the runway and eaten the bait.
Where to Use
Keep out of reach of children and pets.